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Integrated High-Temperature ELectrolysis and METHanation for Effective Power to Gas Conversion

German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water

German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water –
DVGW Research Station at Engler-Bunte-Institute (DVGW-EBI)



The DVGW has been working for the gas and water industry as an independent and unbiased technical-
scientific association since 1859, the objective being to create a basis for the safe and technologically
flawless supply of gas and water. The Technical Rules issued by the DVGW form the core of this basis.
It is the central mission of the DVGW to advance the gas and water industry in both the technical and
technicalscientific context.
The DVGW Research Station at Engler-Bunte-Institute (DVGW-EBI) is a common research facility of the
German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW). Scope of the activities of the
department Gas Technology Consulting are research and consulting for the safe and environmentfriendly
processing, distribution and application of natural gas, SNG, biogas, H2 from PtG, crude oil and coal.

Relation between DVGW and KIT: DVGW is a legal entity with headquarters in Bonn. DVGW-EBI is one
of its research stations which is operated in the campus of KIT, based on a contract from the sixties
between DVGW and the University of Karlsruhe. According to this regulation, KIT hosts this research
station in its university campus and the KIT-professors of the corresponding KIT chairs are at the same
time scientifically leading the corresponding sections of the DVGW research station. The employed
personnel of the research station is DVGW personnel in the payroll of DVGW in Bonn. 



DVGW participates mainly in the work packages WP1, WP4 and WP5. DVGW provides special
knowledge about the natural gas grid requirements and the injection of biogas, H2 and SNG into the
gas grid. The main role of DVGW is the comparison of energy systems and the cost estimation. 

